Case Study

Braemar Hospital Case Study

Written by chnnl Team | Oct 3, 2023 2:03:35 AM

Based in Hamilton, New Zealand, Braemar Hospital is one of New Zealand's largest private hospitals. Braemar Hospital cares deeply about the wellbeing of their employees and Fiona Michel (CEO), is passionate about the topic.

Since launching with chnnl, Braemar Hospital has successfully utilised chnnl to enhance the psychological safety and overall employee wellbeing for their dedicated team comprising of many highly qualified professionals. 

Watch the video below and hear from CEO, Fiona Michel to explore Braemar Hospital's authentic experience with chnnl by promoting a psychologically healthier frontline for both patients and staff, alongside the transformative impact it has had on their workplace dynamics. 

Click here to speak with us about how chnnl can help your organisation provide a psychologically healthier frontline employee experience.

Watch The Video

"It's really changed the game to be a much more open and collaborative group. That makes for a much higher performing team, and that then comes out in our patient satisfaction results"


"chnnl has given Braemar some real insight into where we’ve had highs and lows, all while clearly confidential. It gave us a point of direction and it has really shifted the dynamic of the team to be much more communicative with each other."


“Braemar has had great support from the chnnl team, both in terms of helping us implement, and making sure that it's working for us. It feels like we've got a really focused group of people who want this to work for us as well.”

“It’s a great tool. Every organisation should have it”

Chief Executive Officer - Braemar Hospital