Case Study

Te Whatu Ora Southern Case Study

Written by chnnl Team | Dec 21, 2023 3:04:48 AM

Based in Southland, New Zealand, Te Whatu Ora Southern has hospitals in Dunedin, Invercargill and Queenstown. Dunedin Hospital is where chnnl was implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic to help support the well-being of many staff. Dunedin Hospital is a 388-bed tertiary facility employing over 3,000 staff and Te Whatu Ora Southern serves a catchment of 181,500 people. 

Two years on from the pandemic, We get a look at how chnnl is making a difference for the Te Puna Wai Ora (Critical Care) and Intensive Care (ICU) Departments and hear from Charge Nurse Michael Sutton on how chnnl has continued to create value in their organisation.


Click here to speak with us about how chnnl can help your organisation provide a psychologically healthier frontline employee experience.

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"The value of chnnl really has been that it's such a good, useful tool for us to be able to understand our team, we've had access to data that, we have never had access to before. It really helps us to understand the wellbeing of our team and what their struggles are.."

"Hope that we can continue our chnnl usage and engagement, with a growing team it's important to see where everyone's priorities are and gain insight into our next steps"


Associate Charge Nurse - Dunedin Hospital