Know our History: Day Two

Mana Whenua: Flags

Indigenous and First Nations peoples flags represent culture and resilience, and carry a profound significance rooted in history. These serve as powerful symbols, encapsulating the unique identities and enduring stories of Indigenous and First Nations peoples across the globe. For centuries, Indigenous communities have faced challenges to their languages, customs, and lands. In response, the creation of flags became an important expression of identity and resistance, a visual language that transcends borders and speaks to the shared struggles of diverse Indigenous and First Nations peoples groups.

Take today's quiz to test your knowledge on flags, you might be surprised! 

How it works:

- Watch the short clip below 

- Answer the 5 Quiz questions through this form 

- Put the answers directly into the chnnl app Journal and 'share with org'. OR complete the google form accessed here. 

The total number of correct answers per team will be then added to the overall score for your team. Check back the next day to this page to reveal the correct answers. Winning team announced next week.

Any questions please email

Take the Day 2 quiz here!

Quiz Questions:

Question One: What does the red represent in the Australian Aboriginal Flag?

aussie aboriginal flag

Question Two:
This flag was the first flag in which country?


Question Three: Identify the following flag:

torres straight islander

Question Four:
What is the official name of the following flag:


Question Five: The Métis flag is a symbol of pride and identity for the Métis people of Canada. What does the infinity symbol represent?


See dropdown menu below for answers and more information on topics:

Quiz Answers

Question One    ⬇️

ANSWER: The earth and the colour of ochre used in Aboriginal ceremonies

Question Two    ⬇️

ANSWER: New Zealand

Question Three      ⬇️

ANSWER: Torres Straight Islander Flag

Question Four        ⬇️

ANSWER: Tino Rangatiratanga Flag / National Māori Flag

Question Five       ⬇️

ANSWER: The mixing of two distinct cultures

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Written by chnnl Team
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