Know our History: Day Four

Understanding Perspectives

In Day Fours video, we speak with Carlton Irving, and hear about the importance of taking consideration to different perspectives. He discusses this in the context of disabilities, and shares how everyone has different stories and different perspectives. It relates to the issue of structural discrimination. The core message is that we are all people and through the power of shared stories it would probably enable many more solutions. 

We conclude todays challenge with a short quiz. Check it out now, and go in the draw to win prizes with your team!

How it works:

- Watch the short clip below 

- Answer the 5 Quiz questions through this form 

- Put the answers directly into the chnnl app Journal and 'share with org'. OR complete the google form accessed here. 

The total number of correct answers per team will be then added to the overall score for your team. Check back the next day to this page to reveal the correct answers. Winning team announced next week.

If you have any questions please email

Take the quiz here!

Quiz Questions:

Question One: How many New Zealanders are impacted by a disability throughout their lifetime?

Question Two: When an entire network of rules and practices disadvantages less empowered groups is known as

Question Three:
Why does the Human Rights Commission argue that "inaction is a form of structural discrimination"?

Question Four: What is the legislation that addresses structural discrimination/racism in New Zealand?  

Question Five: Human rights are also protected at an international level from what organisation?

See dropdown menu below for answers and more information on topics:

Quiz Answers

Question One    ⬇️

ANSWER: 1 in 4

Question Two    ⬇️

ANSWER: All of the above

Question Three      ⬇️

ANSWER: Because inaction perpetuates structural inequalities and barriers.

Question Four        ⬇️

ANSWER: All of the Above

Question Five       ⬇️

ANSWER: United Nations

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Written by chnnl Team
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