Know our History: Day Five

Movies and Films 

Today we are looking at movies and films which represent the themes of Mana Whenua! With many public holidays coming up, why not upskill yourself on these topics. It is through the power of shared knowledge that perspectives are understood, and solutions made. The movies which you could watch are:

 - Boy
 - The Sapphires
 - Hunt for the Wilderpeople
 - Reservation Dogs
 - Hidden Figures
 - Waterman
 - Whina
 - Stolen Generations

Today is finished with a quick quiz related to movies! It is your last chance to win with your teams, so make sure to complete the quiz today!

How it works:

- Watch the short clip below 

- Answer the 5 Quiz questions through this form 

- Put the answers directly into the chnnl app Journal and 'share with org'. OR complete the google form accessed here. 

The total number of correct answers per team will be then added to the overall score for your team. Check back the next day to this page to reveal the correct answers. Winning team announced next week.

If you have any questions please email

Answer the Quiz Here

Quiz Questions:

Question One: What what year was the movie ‘The Sapphires’ released?

Question Two: Who played the character ‘Boy’ in the movie Boy?

Question Three: What New Zealander is the Executive Producer of Reservation Dogs?

Question Four: How many awards has the documentary Waterman won?

Question Five: Who plays the character Al Harrison on the movie Hidden Figures?

See dropdown menu below for answers and more information on topics:

Quiz Answers

Question One    ⬇️

ANSWER: Revealed Tomorrow

Question Two    ⬇️

ANSWER: Revealed Tomorrow

Question Three      ⬇️

ANSWER: Revealed Tomorrow

Question Four        ⬇️

ANSWER: Revealed Tomorrow

Question Five       ⬇️

ANSWER: Revealed Tomorrow

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Written by chnnl Team
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