Mercy Radiology & Frontline Wellbeing


Since implementing chnnl in 2021, Mercy Radiology has become one of chnnl's biggest evangelists. Read on to learn how they have encouraged high engagement from their team and made organisation-changing decisions based on the data collected.

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Mercy Radiology Group is one of the largest providers of private radiology services within Auckland, New Zealand. The group has 130 staff including 22 specialist radiologists, who between them provide a comprehensive range of radiology skills.

Prioritising Frontline Wellbeing

Operating within an increasingly high-stress environment as a result of COVID19, Mercy Radiology identified an additional need to support the wellbeing of their employees. They recognised the impact of uncertainty that comes with COVID19, resulting in added pressures on their people, family and their patients.

Watch The Video

Watch the video below to hear from Mercy Radiology's CEO Dr Lloyd McCann about their experience with chnnl.

"We are delighted to be partnering with chnnl to enhance psychological safety in our workplace. Our teams always put our patients first, so this is an important step for our organisation to tangibly put our people’s mental health and wellness at the top of the agenda. Our journey has just started and we’re so well supported by the chnnl team."

lloyd McCann

Chief Executive Officer - Mercy Radiology

Written by chnnl Team
Case Study - Mercy Radiology - Dr Lloyd McCann

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